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Last updated
The home page of EVER Pools is divided into two blocks: Overview and the list of DePools.
The Overview section displays statistics of all DePools:
Total TVL - the number of all locked EVER tokens in DePools.
Current APY reflects the average annual return on stakes.
Depools - Number of all DePools
Stakeholders - the number of all participants, who blocked their stakes in DePools.
Note that you can change the graph display mode between TVL and APY.
Below is a list of DePools and information about each Depool:
Name and address of DePool
APY - average annual return on stakes.
Stake fee
TVL - number of all locked EVER tokens in this DePool.
Clicking on one of them will take you to that DePool's profile page.
By clicking on the "star" you can add it to your favorites.