About DePools
Before you start interacting with EverPools.io, find out what Depools is.
What is DePool
In order to understand what a DePool is, you firstly need to understand how validation works on the Everscale blockchain.
Validation in Proof of Stake blockchains, is the process of verifying the authenticity of new blocks and signing them by several network nodes, called validators. Validation is required in order to reach consensus (general agreement) on the correctness of the block.
The consensus procedure itself is necessary for the reliable functioning of the network, i.e. to resist failures of individual nodes or deliberate attacks. In fact, validators provide the basis for the functioning of a decentralized network.
Validators are a group of network nodes selected as validators for a certain period (validation cycle).
In order to become a validator, it is necessary to invest a large amount of EVERs. In exchange for the completion of their duties, validators receive a reward at the end of each validation cycle. The rewards are distributed among all validators in proportion to their stake.
Since the amount of the stake could be too big for an ordinary user, and the number of validators is limited, DePool smart contracts have been developed. They allow any participant with a small amount of EVERs to participate in validation and receive their share of the reward.
DePool is a smart contract that allows to combine stakes from different network users into investment pools.
DePools are needed in the case a node wishing to become a validator lacks its own funds for a stake. Thus, with the help of a DePool smart contract, users invest their EVERs in a common pool, for which they receive a reward depending on the amount deposited.
To sum up, DePools allow to receive remuneration without having to be a validator.
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